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Economic culture, its essence and content

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A logical analysis of the concept of culture takes us to its extension and content. The former refers to a group of objects that can be included within it, for example, the concept of economic culture includes the entrepreneur culture, the financial culture, laboral one, among other ones. The latter, that is to say, its content, is the group of features which the concept can be applied to.

Each dimension of its extension shares the synthetic feature of the level of socialization reached by individuals and human groups, which have reached a level of development reflected on its ideas, conduct, behavior, way of living, habits, customs, traditions.

Culture is considered as the mechanism of adaptation for persons to nature and society; its way of a cultural horizon that is used a valuation prism of reality and its projection to the future.

For its content, economic culture “is the level of development reached by persons and social groups as on economic relations, which are expressed on its ideas, conduct and performance; as well as the way of living, habits, customs, traditions, so much at work or other atmospheres like the family, which go shaping since childhood under the influence of education and their personal experiences” (Grave de Peralta, Ángel, 2003).

Among the main features for economic culture are:

  • They transcend all human activity and are formed in the system of social relations which are historically conditioned.
  • They are revealed through knowledge, abilities, capacities, skills, behavior.
  • They are expressed in the creation and conservation of material values in relation to the ethical, economic values and spiritual ones in general.

Components of Cuban economic culture:

  • Knowledge related to the policies on the economic activity and the use of human, material and financial resources.
  • Saving as a socio-historical need, from its economic dimension.
  • Planning and control of resources, of production processes and services, as well as, the accomplishment of individual and collective commitments.
  • Personal and collective attitudes before social property.
  • The meaning of work for the production of goods and services and values formation.
  • The Cuban economic model and its adaptations according to the guidelines passed in the Seventh Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba.

In fact, economic culture, as another dimension of culture, is a process that includes instruction and education, so much at work or outside in which take part all the parts. Its content is formed as a process of “sedimentation”, because values that make up its content require the called “axial age”, that is to say, the given time of incubation.



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