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Photo: ACN

The popular consultation of the draft Constitution of the Republic of Cuba culminated in the province of Holguín with the reception of more than 90,000 proposals for different articles of the Magna Carta that will replace the current one of 1976.

The Commission in charge of this process in the territory reported that more than 12,000 meetings were held, with 86 percent attendance of the people planned and with the possibility of attending the meetings.

Consultations in neighborhoods, schools, and workplaces surpassed 8,000, 500 and almost 4,000 assemblies, respectively, in which organization and respect for the opinion of others prevailed.

Among the most debated titles during this process initiated on August 13 in the community of Biran, were number IV, referring to Rights, Duties and Guarantees and number VI related to the Structure of the State, in whose debates the level of preparation of the Holguineros and the effort to democratically construct the definitive text of Cuba's Supreme Law were perceptible.

Once the modifications, additions, doubts and eliminations proposed to the project have been analyzed, it will be submitted to referendum in February 2019, in order to approve a constitution in harmony with the Cuban context, the updating of the socioeconomic model and the agreements of the VII Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba.


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