Procedures and Services

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Administrative housing exchanges (Norma Jurídica Resolución No. V001/2014 Art. 57 and following).

The Municipal Housing Director of the place where the property is located, determines exchange applications involving houses, rooms and accessories (no linked dwelling or houses belong to entities). The exchange right corresponds to the owner, without being able to oppose people who reside with him and do not hold the same legal concept.

It proceeds in the cases:

. In those cases where, at least one of the involved in the exchange is a tenant or usufructuary, or between any of them among themselves.

. Those promoted by a tenant of the state house, in order to make cohabitants independent, as long as it solves a social or humanitarian problem.

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Transfer of house ownership in cases of definitive absence from the country (Norma Jurídica Ley General de la Vivienda Art. 81 et seq.).

The permanent residence, whose owner has definitively left the country, is confiscated by the State for the purpose of being able to transfer their property to persons entitled to do so, in accordance with the provisions of this Law. Have the right to free transfer of ownership:

- Co-owners.
- Spouse, children and other descendants.
- Parents, grandparents and other ascendants.
- Brothers and nephews.
- Uncles
- Cousins.

The transfer of ownership will be made in the order in which they appear in the preceding paragraph, and one excludes the next. Exceptions are the spouse and children who will attend with the same right.

Whoever is awarded the home, in the above cases, has the obligation to settle the debts that were left on it with the bank.


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Transfer of housing ownership if the owner dies. (Norma Jurídica Ley General de la Vivienda Art. 78).

If upon the death of the owner there are no heirs, or they renounce the inheritance, and the dwelling has been permanently occupied by other persons, the property will be transferred to the State.

Persons who, if they own another permanent residence dwelling, occupied the same with the consent of the previous owner, for at least five (5) years before their death, may request the transfer of the property in the Municipal Housing Directorate.

The request is made in writing and must contain:

Written application.
Certification of death of the owner
Evidence of occupation of the dwelling for five (5) years prior to the death of the owner.
Stamp worth $10.00.

Transfer of the property to onerous usufructuaries, legitimate occupants and tenants (Norma Jurídica Resolution No. V00/2014, Art. 16 et seq.).

The request for transfer of property is made in writing and must contain:

Generals of the applicants, or their representatives as the case may be.
Pretension, form of acquisition and facts on which it is based.
Address of the dwelling.

Name of spouse, proceeds

Relationship of cohabitants, relationship and date of occupation.
If you are up to date in the payment of the dwelling, if applicable.
Stamp for a value of $ 10.00.


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Request for updating of housing property titles (Norma Jurídica Res. 342/11).

This procedure enables the updating of ownership titles of natural persons in cases that:

- Errors or omissions relating to the elements of the description and appraisal.
- Internal constructive actions carry out that modify the description of the dwelling, unify or divide it and do not require a building permission or authorization according to current legislation.
- The physical reality does not coincide with that reflected in the property title, because constructive actions of expansion, rehabilitation or remodeling have been carried out, provided that the technical construction requirements and the urban and territorial regulations have not been violated.
Persons interested in updating their titles, covered in subparagraphs a) and b) do not require Resolution of the Municipal Housing Office. The Technical Report issued by the Municipal Physical Planning Office constitutes the valid document for the purposes of the corresponding notarial update.

2) The Technical Report of the Municipal Physical Planning Office includes the
description and appraisal of the actions carried out, current description and technical-constructive status, as should be.
3) If the application consists only for updating of the property title regard to the legal price of the house, the certification issued by the Fund Control Department of the Municipal Housing Office is effective for the purposes of the corresponding notarial action.

The directors of the Municipal Housing Office are competent to issue resolutions on the property housing update covered by Article 1(c).

The interested people should submit the following documents:

- Written application with all their general informatiom
- Document accrediting the house ownership.
- Certify of Physical Planning accrediting that there is no objection for the housing title update.
- Technical Report issued by the Municipal Physical Planning Office.
- Stamp of $ 10.00.


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