Regarding the current situation on the pandemic, Dr. Yanelis Calviño, head of the Provincial Health Department, informed that the 580 samples received between Sunday and Monday were all negative.
"And about the events linked to Shambalá restaurant, the third results are expected in the next hours, and those from the municipalities of Antilla and Banes are getting the second PCR tests", she added.
So far, 112 samples are pending to come from the lab in Santiago de Cuba and 561 ones from the lab at Havana's IPK.
Dr. Calviño called upon people's protection and to comply with all prevention measures, especially the use of masks, physical distance and handwashing.
New distribution scheme will be applied in the City of Parks
The Municipal Assembly of People's Power of Holguin will implement a new strategy for the food and other goods to be distributed in nicknamed Cuban City of Parks, whose pilot test began this September 29 by Pedernales district.
In this respect, Yunior Torres Almaguer, coordinator of the Services Program of the Council of the Municipal Administration, explained that the goal is working to meet the demands of the population in a municipality populated by more than 340 thousand people.
Professors from the University of Holguin and presidents of the People's Councils participated in its preparation, in addition to the criteria of the population and the experience reached in other Cuban provinces, among other factors.
This scheme now being tested seeks keeping regulated and equal distribution to families, in addition to helping to cut long lines in front of stores, thus reducing crowding in the heart of the city, and so boosting prevention measures on the pandemic, and aiding as well the most vulnerable sectors of the population.
To meet this goal, a person representing the core family will buy the items through the code of the rationed book, and through one of the following channels: selling in the neighborhood stores, at the workplace, and at the Caribe or Cimex stores, or as part of the care provided to the most vulnerable sectors, such as pregnant women, members of associations for people with some impairment or blood donors, among others.
Whoever unable to buy the products offered in the first round loses the right, because there is no recovery chance. That is why persons that miss the sale the day chosen for the neighborhood can get them at the workplace, when offered.
The products to be traded are chicken, detergent and oil, with five and three kilograms in the first two cases respectively, and one liter in the last one. The sales will go in accordance with the number of family members formats and the availability of products.
The persons now staying in Holguin but registered in other municipalities or provinces are also given the chance to get them. For example, those who are staying in a neighborhood different to the official address will get the chance of buying in the former place.
And those who reside over Holguin but still are registered in another the municipality or in other Cuban province, will also receive the products but previously presenting a certification of the district delegates, the presidents of Peoples Councils and the State Registration Office.
To keep control over this activity, a Management Post was created to coordinate the distributions, the registration of sales to each core family, as well as the creation of the conditions for commercialization.
Representatives of Commerce, chain stores, the Police, institutional communicators and political and mass organizations will take part in the Management Post.
Torres Almaguer explained about some people's concern on monetary unification and the exchange rate, and called them to be reasonable while purchasing things, for example, if they are worth seven or eight CUC pesos, not to show up with a 100 peso bill.
Before finishing, he pointed out that the sales will be through mobile applications, of which the data will be synchronized daily to avoid people's double purchasing.
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