Its director in Holguin, Felix Erenesto Moreno Casanova, explains that clients can have access and can use this platform without having a cell phone line contracted with ETECSA, using equipment with any operating system (iOS, Android, Windows, Linux,...) connected to the national network, using any type of fixed or mobile network (data or Wifi) and using your ENZONA account, on any device, since its account is not associated to any equipment or cell phone line.
These four facilities provided by ENZONA, says Morenos Casanova, help having more options for its use and improve the operations and purchases in e-commerce entities, once it provides the possibility of using a computer or tablets, making registration and purchase operations easier; and if the access is from a fixed network, connection problems will not be aleatory.
Other benefits are making it easier for a family, friends and social workers to support older people with their computers, networks and advice; and also people who do not have computers and networks can create and use the account on any computer and
network, at your workplace, youth club, school or by a family member or friend.
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