Confrontation group to resellers in Holguin. Photo: Gobierno provincial
As part of the Working System of the Provincial Government of Holguin, the organizations and entities related to the Group of Confrontation to line makers and resellers met this week to assess the current situation.
The meeting held at the seat of the Provincial Government was led by Deputy Governor Yunia Perez Hernandez, and analyzed the most important incidents, which showed the need to deepen and speed up supplies for a better organization in the sales of each municipality.
An example of the actions of the Comprehensive Supervision Directorate in the province was the seizure of a significant amount of garlic from a vendor in Pueblo Nuevo, who was selling the product above the established prices. This operation was made possible by the timely reporting of neighbors in the area, whose response was not long in coming. During the rest of the day, 67 decrees were applied and other confiscations of rice, peas and other products was made.
"This is the moment to face the problems and act accordingly," said Pérez Hernández.
Among the actions taken by the Ministry of Interior are 48 operations against individuals who were reselling and stockpiling prime necessity products, along with people making lists for illegal purposes. In addition, they filed more than 30 complaints, 447 fines, and several warnings.
During the meeting, the population was called to participate actively and to understand the measures taken, among them the sale of products in the stores belonging to the companies Caribe, Cimex or Caracol whenever they arrive before 3:00 pm, and the next day when they arrive after that time.
Holguín acting and confronting social indiscipline
- Portal Gobierno
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