It was informed about the 13 entities and bodies that failed to meet some production lines, among them MINAG in charcoal and honey, AZCUBA with sugar base 96 and natural ethyl technical alcohol "A" 95º, while MINEM failed to meet the Ni Oxide in chemical powder, Ni + Co Sulfide, Zeolite, Sintered Ni Oxide and Ni Oxide in metallurgical powder. MINDUS does not comply with Stainless Steel and Bronze.
The selected physical productions amount to 375, distributed as follows: manufacturing 280 and agricultural 95. There are 113 physical productions not completed, of which 70 manufacturing representing 25% and 41 agricultural representing 44.1%.
On average, 10.6 pounds per capita were distributed in the month, of which 50.0 per cent went for food, 39.6 per cent for vegetables, 6.6 per cent for grains and 3.8 per cent for fruit and citrus fruits.
Employment and Wage indicators achieve the following behavior: the salary fund is met at 108 % and productivity at 114 %, which represents 1,742 pesos more than planned. The average salary is 112 %, with 116 pesos more. The average number of workers reached 96%, with 3,083 fewer than planned.
Cumulative energy efficiency is favourable as consumption has decreased by 10.3 tonnes per million net sales weight.
Energy consumption fell by 3.74% and sales by companies that report consumption in the territory grew by 4.12%, without physically consuming 29,123 tons of fuel.
The province is fulfilling its plan for electricity consumption in the state sector, with savings of 8.44 GWh, for a total of 2,726.74 tons of fuel saved.
Holguín evaluates economic indicators
- Gobierno Provincial
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